Saturday, September 8, 2007

이효석 Festival and Buckwheat (매밀)

At some point during the week, I received an email from an extending Entertaining Teacher from America. Turns out she and some other extending ATEs were going to a festival in Bongpyeong commemorating the author Lee Hyo Seok and blooming buckwheat. It’s in my county, so they thought my proximity might interest me. Well, it did, as did the prospect of meeting these ATEs who were not with us during orientation, but I decided to investigate the event’s English website as well. Blooming buckwheat and romantic donkey rides it turns out. Who can’t turn down romantic donkey rides?

So I went. It was fun. I did not ride any donkeys, though I did get my picture taken in the buckwheat fields. I also learned a lot about last year’s group of ATEs. Apparently they were a wild bunch. When I was asked for the “dirt” on this year’s bunch, I had to confess ignorance, partially because I didn’t hang out that much with everyone, at least not in big groups, but mostly because I honestly don’t think there is much dirt to be had on us. Overall, we were a fairly mellow group, especially compared to last year’s legendary status.

For those of my readers who are more interested in literature (cough… Faulkner addicts, cough, cough… BEN!) than my adventures, Lee Hyo Seok is most famous for his short story “When the Buckwheat Blossoms,” which is the inspiration for the festival.

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