Sunday, August 26, 2007

Weekly Letter Home

Dear family and friends,

It's that time again. This week's update is actually a bit varied in that I have a word attachment for you to peruse. That's where all the information that went on my blog this week is. I've been trying to catch up on it by doing a little bit from the past and little bit from the present as the mood strikes me, and I still have much to left to do.

I've decided to give you two sections of it in plain text however, as these are the most relevant to an "update". What you should definitely know is that I've finally signed up for TKD and will begin this week. Unfortunately, the time I scheduled it for interferes with a few prior school obligations for this week which I was not aware of ( i.e. a party with the English teachers and a school festival). Language barriers are going to kill me... So, it looks like I will have one class today and then my next class on Thursday.

For those of you who knew I was sick, I am feeling much better now. I've taken my last set of drugs, and I hope I have seen the last of this hamlet's local area virus. We shall see if that is the case.

No classes today, though I am at school to check the internet and say hello to you all. Turns out I missed both fantasy football league drafts I was supposed to partake in this weekend. Silly time difference/not having internet. I had intended to go shopping today when I am done at school, but it is raining, so I might have to postpone that. Luckily, I brought some Korean to study.

Keep me in your prayers. I begin teaching the adult classes tomorrow as well as my first real lesson set with the High School students.



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